A downloadable game

DISCLAIMER! - Almost every visual included ion this page is a placeholder or rushed design, which won't probably be used in the final version.  Stay tuned for the flashed out visuals!


4 chapters set in a dystopian world in the year 2036 following three preys, whose fates have been rendered irredeemable as if set in stone, trying to escape the hands of a cruel specie.

The only one who was left with the slightest chance of fulfilling their deepest desires and wishes before they turn into nothingness is you, dear reader!


As of now, R:C is in the state of DEVELOPMENT and doesn't include a singular downloadable file just yet.

Full game includes pre-chapter establishing part, called PROLOGUE (currently sitting at almost 40k words) - which has been divided into PART 1 and PART 2 - and four individual CHAPTERS, where chapter is twice the size of a PROLOGUE.

I tried my hardest to make a story where choices do matter and where a person truly has to think about the consequences of their actions, which is why I settled for numerous ways how each released part can end. Currently, PROLOGUE can be ended in 17 different outcomes and that number will rapidly increase with the number of CHAPTERS out. Please, be patient with development as I'm a sole person working on this project and it's a major factor that slows my development speed, considering I have a life outside of this as well.

TRIGGER WARNINGS included in the project as of PROLOGUE and individual chapters onwards are as following;

  • psychological manipulation,
  • graphic violence and deaths,
  • forced aversion towards LGBTQ+ characters,
  • multiple mental health struggle topics,
  • implied sexual content,
  • racism towards minority,
  • pseudo-jumpscares,
  • major impersonation,

and various other triggering topics that may be not suitable for everyone.

The themes mentioned are not only just implied but portrayed in the project as realistically as I was able to make them to be at the time of creation. I ask everyone to proceed with caution and if anything from the things I have listed is a topic you do not find comfortable to view or read about, avoid playing R:C at all cost.

I trust people who decide to be a part of the project to fully understand what they are able to withstand and what not. First and foremost, take a good care of your mental being before you dive head in into this.

I will be grateful for any kind of feedback, comment or sign of interest I get until I finally manage to release just a bit of what I have planned for the world to see. Please, stay tuned and see you soon, readers!

Mynnea / @mynnea-rc on Tumblr (for somewhat consistent updates)

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